Apr 19, 2024, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
The Fonda House, Konstknektveien 68, 7374 Røros, Norway
Om arrangementet
An exhibition of the amazing paintings of the Southern Sami artist Niklas Blind. Through his
Through his paintings, he invites us into his experiences, thoughts and feelings of the tangible, the beautiful and the work.
which our indigenous people have lived in and of and still live with.
He makes the history of the Southern Sami accessible and understandable through his paintings, and contributes to increased
understanding, insight and knowledge of the power inherent in history
NIKLAS BLINDH – b. 1982, Funäsdalen Niklas Blindh is a self-taught artist, but first and foremost
reindeer herder. "When someone asks me what I do, I automatically answer reindeer herder. I am a reindeer herder from
morning to evening," says Blindh himself. With his very special and unique expression, Niklas Blindh takes the
Sami art into the modern era. His driving force lies in expressing in painting what he cannot
formulated through words, especially the painful and heavy. He has painted and drawn for as long as he can remember.
He excelled early on with good feedback from teachers but found that there were no paths
further in the school system for these abilities. How he became an artist is unclear to him, but he has
always accomplished what he had set out to do. And he decided to master painting; this
he should be good at it! When an exhibition was planned during Jokkmokk he got the opportunity to exhibit in
Funäsdalen and sold everything he produced. Blindh has always been a thinking person and art has
has become a channel for getting thoughts and wonder down on paper. Suppressed frustration, the pressure on reindeer herding,
on nature and culture is the source of his creativity. The motifs are influenced by his everyday life and
The reindeer plays a central role. The expression is distinctive,
a cross between abstract, cubist and figurative, a completely unique expression that takes Sámi art
into the present. Artistically he fights at the breaking point between the dark, gloomy that threatens the
the Sami future, and the life-giving, colorful things that also exist in the everyday lives of the indigenous people and
the reindeer herder's working day.